MATLAB: Parameter Optimization using Simulated Annealing

optimizationparameter tunesimulated annealing

I am new to optimization and trying to understand the basics, so sorry if it is a dumb question. Is it possible to tune parameters (which is a search problem) of a classifier using simulated annealing or other optimization technique, just for an example optimum value of "k" in KNN (I know there is an automatic hyperparameter optimization for KNN)?

Best Answer

Sure, you can do anything you want. It might not be a good idea, but feel free.
Write an objective function that is, say, the cross-validation error rate for a particular parameter. If you have k as your parameter, and a cross-valudation partition c, then you might have
fun = @(k)kfoldLoss(fitcknn(X,y,'CVPartition',c,...
The only problem with this is that k is an integer variable, and most optimizers (including simulannealbnd) work only with continuous parameters. But you could use mixed-integer ga to optimize this.
Good luck,
Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation
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