MATLAB: Parameter estimation of predefined function

predefine function paramater estimation

Hi everyone, I have a function defined as following:
I'd would like to know if there is a Matlab function that can estimate these two parameters given a set of values of (x,y).
With kind regards,

Best Answer

There is lsqcurvefit in the Optimization Toolbox and nlinfit in the Statistics Toolbox. If you have neither, there is fminspleas ( Download ). The latter could be useful, because your model is loglinear in beta
log(E)-log(1-y) = beta*f(x,alpha)
which fminspleas can advantage of. In particular, fitting log(E)-log(1-y) with fminspleas only requires a good initial guess for alpha. The solution fminspleas gives you for both alpha and beta can then be used as initial guesses in a more refined fit.