MATLAB: Parallel programmin: matlabpool error

computingmatlabpoolparallelparallel computingParallel Computing ToolboxUbuntu

Good day, dearest of communities,
Much to my dismay, not once have I ever successfully made use of parallel computing code without being displayed the following message error, after using any variation of matlabpool (e.g. matlabpool open):
??? Error using ==> matlabpool at 125
Java exception occurred: ua-PC: ua-PC
at Source)
ua-PC is the name of my computer.
As of the present moment, I'm making use of Ubuntu 12.04. If you were to be in necessity of further computer specifications, you need only ask me, as I will gladly provide you with such information. Please beware that I am not a very wise Linux user.
I do appreciate any effort towards the resolution if my issue.