MATLAB: Parallel Processing code question, with error Subscripted assignment between dissimilar structures

parallel computingParallel Computing Toolboxparfor

I am trying to become familiar with the parallel toolbox and wrote what I think is a simple script that is failing and I don't understand why. I have included the code below.
clear all
close all
dataSetSize = 1024;
for x = 1:4:dataSetSize
Data(x).dataSet = rand(128,256);
Data(x+1).dataSet = rand(128,512);
Data(x+2).dataSet = rand(64,128);
Data(x+3).dataSet = rand(32,64);
parfor x=1:dataSetSize
Data(x).plotData = 20*log10(abs(fft(Data(x).dataSet)));
I get the error
Error using parallelTest (line 15)
Subscripted assignment between dissimilar structures.
Line 15 is the line of the parfor loop. When I execute this as a regular loop it executes fine. I don't see any dependencies and think this should be able to run in parallel.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

You need to initialize the PlotData field before the loop. Even if you initialize it to [] that would be fine. In your code, the result of the parfor is a structure with a different set of fields than the original, and there are problems copying the data back because of that. Don't create new struct fields inside a parfor.