MATLAB: Parallel ODE solve using parfor-loop

ode solverparallelparfor

Hello, I've got the ODE system and want to solve it using the cluster. I've been trying to use parfor-loop, but the initial condition must be changed for every new call of ode-solver. And the results I received isn't correct. Maybe there are some build-in tools for such problem? Here is my attemp to parallel ode solving
parfor i=1:100
[T,X]=ode45(@rightpart,[i*500-499 i*500],X0,options);
%each worker will calculate values for T from 1-500,501-1000 and so on
%here I accumulate final value vectors

Best Answer

Do all integrations start at the same X0? If not, is the final value of the former integration the initial value of the current interval? If so, the job cannot be parallelized.
As Pyan G has explained in his comment, concatenating the output inside the PARFOR loop will cause a random order: The output depends on the exact timining of the single jobs. This could be fixed by storing the partial results in a cell like C{i}.