MATLAB: Parallel computing with MDCS

MATLAB Parallel Servermdcsparallel computing

I have some problems with MDCS
After importing the appropriate Configuration for a third-party scheduler, using findResource, defining job and task, and submitting the job, I cannot read or retrieve output.
– working on the remote directory – from where I submitted the job – getAllOutputArguments(job) returns an empty cell array 1-0. Moreover, when I scp all files from this remote directory to my local directory and I try to read the existing .mat files in a MATLAB session at my laptop (MacBook Pro) I get the error message
– to make things worse when I start a new matlab session at the remote directory and I use findJob to retrieve the job I get the message <Undefined variable or function >
Can anyone help?
Thanks in advance

Best Answer

What is the job state? Is it still running? You can use the waitForState(job, finished) to wait for the job to complete running, and job.State to get the current state of the job.
Can you validate the cluster successfully using the imported profile? (Parallel menu, configurations, and validate).