MATLAB: Parallel Computing Toolbox – Need help to start with…

MATLABparallel computingParallel Computing Toolbox

Hi.. I'm a student and 'm trying to configure Matlab R2010a Parallel Computing Toolbox for a client and one worker. Matlab doc doesn't talk much on the configuration part. Tried the one given on – not very clear and hence didn't work. As a beginner, I just want to run a simple parfor-loop on two machines. I would be grateful if someone provides me a step-by-step solution for how to, basically, connect two systems using Matlab.. Thanks for your time..

Best Answer

Hi Alok,
some clarifications: you want to use "two systems". Does this mean, two different machines? In this case the Parallel Computing Toolbox will not be sufficient but you will need to run the MATLAB Distributed Computing Server ... The Parallel Computing Toolbox is bound to one "physical" machine only.