MATLAB: Overwrite data Excel in matlab


Please Help me. I want to overwrite the data in Excel with matlab where the data I entered there are 2 columns and I want to overwrite the column 2 with new data from uitable
Can you help me?
Here's the code :
load_button :
function loadbutton_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
[filename,path] = uigetfile('.xlsx')
dataExcel = xlsread(fullfile(path,filename),'sheet1','E2:F50')
function savebutton_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
[excelName,excelPath] = uiputfile('*.xlsx')
title = {'Fuzzy'}
data = get(handles.uitable1, 'data');
fdata = data(:,3);
sheet = 1
x1Range = 'A1'
xlswrite([excelPath excelName],fdata,sheet,x1Range)
Please help me

Best Answer

Column 2 is B, not A. So do this:
x1Range = 'B1'; % Column 2 is B not A.
xlFullFileName = fullfile(excelPath, excelName);
xlswrite(excelName, fdata, sheet, x1Range);
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