MATLAB: Overlay gradual circular blur/fade over image


After spending two hours going through various threads on here I couldn't find what I'm looking for, so decided to ask the question directly. If there is a thread or if there is even a name for what I want to do, a handy function, tutorials… please let me know, I don't think I have the right keywords to search with yet. Certainly this must be a common question?
My goal: Gradually and circularly fading a rectangular image into white (or any color/graytone), as below. Essentially I want to apply a mask that leaves the center of the image intact but gradually fades into a color in the periphery, given a certain radius and steepness of the evelope.
Any help would be much appreciated!

Best Answer

That seems like a reasonably simple task to do, if I've understood what you want to get done that is...
Maybe something like this would solve your problem:
Im = imread('your_image.png'); % I'll assume that it is a gray-scale image between zero and one
fade_img = 0.8*ones(size(Im));
[x1,x2] = meshgrid(1:size(Im,2),1:size(Im,1));
x1_0 = size(Im,2)/2;
x2_0 = size(Im,1)/2;
dx1 = size(Im,2)/4;
dx2 = size(Im,1)/4;
weightsROI = exp(-((x1-x1_0)/dx1).^4-((x2-x2_0)/dx2).^4);
ImROI = Im.*weightsROI + fade_img.*(1-weightsROI);
To me it seems that a simple weighted average of your initial image and a flat image at your selected gray-level with a spatially varying weighting between them should do something like what you're asking for?
You can obviously modify the weighting-factors to change the shape of the "window" and the sharpness of the transition to suit your case, and extend it to handle RGB-images too (even possible to have different windows in different colours, and possibly even do that kind of windowing in HSV-space or some other colour-space...).
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