MATLAB: Overlay curves over heatmap

heatmaphold onMATLABmultiple plotsplot

Hello everyone,
I was wondering if it is possible to plot curves over heatmap. It goes something like this:
X = 20:20:1000;
Y = 100:-2:1;
Z = randi(100,50,50);
h = heatmap(X,Y,Z);
hold on
for ii=1:5
curve = ii+1000./X;
plot(X, curve)
hold off
I want the curves to be above the heatmap. For example, in the figures below,Capture.PNG
the right figure should be on top of the left figure.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

How about the following way?
  1. Plot the heatmap
  2. Add axes over the heatmap
  3. Plot lines on the axes
  4. Set the background color of the axes to 'none'
  5. Adjust the axes size to fit to the heatmap
The following is an example.
% Sample data
cdata = [45 60 32; 43 54 76; 32 94 68; 23 95 58];
ax = axes;
ax.Color = 'none';
% Maybe it needs some adjustment, like:
ax.Position(3) = 0.72;
ax.XTick = [];
ax.YTick = [];