MATLAB: Output truncated. Text exceeds maximum line length for Command Window display. How to solve

MATLABoutput truncatedtext exceeds maximum line length

I have a problem that when I tried to display an answer, I got this message (Output truncated. Text exceeds maximum line length for Command Window display). I know that this is because the answer is too long.
My problem exactly is:
I need to do further processing on the result of f3Up. Exactly, I need to do two things:
1) Replace y1 to be y(1), then do the same thing for y2, y3, … y10.
2) Replace the multiplication * to be .* and the same for / and ^ to make an element wise process.
I used to display the result, copy it, paste in a new file and then use the command (Replace) to do these two modifications I mentioned above. Now, I cannot display the full result, so I cannot do these modifications.
Can anyone help me with that.
I am using Matlab 2018a and this is an example of f3Up after shortening and deleting a lot of terms just to see what I want to do.
f3Up =(y1*cos((4014731262101775*t)/17592186044416)+5886768972981423*(((110680464442257306357*(44*pi)/5))/36893488147419103232000000 - sin... Output truncated. Text exceeds maximum line length for Command Window display.
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

The only options I can think of are:
f3Up = simplify(f3Up, 'Steps',20);
f3Up = vpa(f3Up, 5)
The first will do its best to simplify the function, by collecting terms and other operations, and the second replaces the long fractions by truncated decimal fractions, without losing any internal precision.
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