MATLAB: Output to excel file. how can each data be stored in different column rather than all all data in single column.


the command is storing the output data into one single column of the excel file.
' %16.8f %16.8f %16.8f %16.8f %12.9f %12.9f %12.9f %5i%3i%3i %2i:%2i:%9.6f %16.8f%16.8f%16.8%12.9f%12.9f%12.9f\n',...
tsince,ro(1),ro(2),ro(3),vo(1),vo(2),vo(3),year,mon,day,hr,minute,sec );
how can i change the command that each data "tsince,ro(1),ro(2),ro(3),vo(1),vo(2),vo(3),year,mon,day,hr,minute,sec" is stored in a different cell but remain in the same row.!
as a loop so many rows in attached XLSX file..

Best Answer

Use xlswrite to export your data
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