MATLAB: Output of transfer function with stochastic signal as input

MATLABtransfer function

I have a signal that models oceanic waves from a frequency spectrum. It basically looks like a sum of sines with varying amplitudes, frequencies and phases. My goal is to use this signal as an input for a transfer function:
numerator = [1.85*10^-10, 5.883*10^-11, 7.4*10^-12];
denominator = [1, 0.43, 0.339, 0.09, 0.011];
H = tf(numerator,denominator)
So I have tried:
t = 0:0.001:10
u = y(t) % my wave signal
But it yields an error: When simulating the response to a specific input signal, the input data U must be a matrix of numeric values with at least two rows (samples) and without any NaN or Inf.
So I searched and it seems to be a problem regarding a mismatch in the number of inputs of the system. The B matrix that originated it had two columns, so two inputs. But I considered the other input to be null for now to reach this transfer function, so it should work. I have also tried:
U = repmat(u,2,1)
Just to be sure, but MATLAB gave me the same error.

Best Answer

%if true
% code
numerator = [1.85*10^-10, 5.883*10^-11, 7.4*10^-12];
denominator = [1, 0.43, 0.339, 0.09, 0.011];
H = tf(numerator,denominator)
t = 0:0.001:10;
y = sin(t);% e.g sine wave
u = y % my wave signal
The u vector must have same length as t