MATLAB: Output of indices column or row vector


A = [5 6];
EDU>> B = [3;4];
EDU>> C = 3;
EDU>> B(2) = 2;
EDU>> B(:,2) = A'
B =
3 5
2 6
EDU>> B = B - C
B =
0 2
-1 3
EDU>> t = A*B
t =
-6 28
EDU>> t = [t; B(2,:)];
EDU>> [i,j] = find(t>0)
i =
j =
I was wondering, why do i and j come out as column arrays, and not row arrays??

Best Answer

According to the documentation for this function at find,
ind = find(X) locates all nonzero elements of array X, and returns the linear indices of those elements in vector ind. If X is a row vector, then ind is a row vector; otherwise, ind is a column vector. If X contains no nonzero elements or is an empty array, then ind is an empty array.
The text doesn't really say what will happen if the input is a matrix. I tried a couple of examples for square matrices, ones with more rows than columns, ones with more columns that rows. The result each time included two column vectors. So this may just be the default behaviour for when the input is a matrix.
Why were you expecting row vectors/arrays?