MATLAB: Output Array of Fortran Level-2 S-function

fortran level-2 s-function array outputsimulink

I am able to pass the vector (1D array) in to the Fortran code through C gateway, and the S-function is working fine. This is how I pass the input
float fta[3];
for (i=0; i<3; i++) { fta[i] = (float)*uPtrs0[i]; } FortranCode_(&fta….);
In similar way i tried to take the vector as the S-function output and the simulink got crashed. Can anybody give a valuable suggestion on this issue? i tried this way
real_T *y15 = ssGetOutputPortRealSignal(S,15);
y15 [0] = x [42]; y15 [1] = x [43]; y15 [2] = x [44];
x is the Dwork vector

Best Answer

Sorry, it's working. The main issue was the contiguous declaration. Earlier i fixed them as 1 instead of 0.
Thank you.