MATLAB: Output Array, how to assign values from a function

MATLABoutput array

I'm new to coding so just assume I know next to nothing. I've created my code for an assignment and have what I want, I don't don't understand how to manipulate it. Here's the code:
function [f] = fibanotchy
format long g
for k=3:100
f(k)=f(k-2)+ f(k-1);
colNames = {'F','n'};
sTable = array2table(f,'VariableNames',colNames)
It's the output from running the function I don't understand. It loops through the index k and displays every iteration. I thought ; suppressed that? Second, I've allocated the f array for the 100 values and a second row. I want to change those zeros to each iteration of the function (which is n, or nth number in the sequence). I can't do it. I've tried to define n=1:100 and put it in the array and can't. It seems simple but nothing I've tried works. I'm not sure how to access the second column of the matrix and get what I want in there. Or maybe I'm looking at it wrong. I've looked at Tables and maybe that's how to code it, but I'm not sure.

Best Answer

function [f] = fibanotchy
format long g
n=input('nth term ? ')
for k=3:n
f(k,1)=f(k-2)+ f(k-1);
f(k,2) = k;
f(1,2) =1;
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