MATLAB: Out of memory. The likely cause is an infinite recursion within the program.

MATLABrecursive function

% Function for speed
function fv = project_1 (v)
v = [2 3]; % Speed values
g = 9.81; % Gravity
d = .05; % Distance to Mixing System Output
ki = 2.4; % Flow Obstruction Factor in the pipe
D = .0254; % Hose diameter
pe = 746; % Electrical power of the pump
L = 2.2; % Length
ipsilon = .00000101; % Kinematic Viscosity
ro = 997; % Water Density
epsilon = .00001; % Roughness
Re = (v * D)/ ipsilon; % Reynolds Number
f = 1.325./ (log(epsilon /(3.7 * D) + 5.74./(Re.^.9 )).^ 2; % Coefficient of friction
hf = (L * f.*v.^2) / (2 * g * D) + (ki * v.^2 / (2 * g)); % Friction loss
A = 3.141592 * (D^2 / 4); % Cross sectional area
Q = v.* A; % Pipe flow
hb = w./ (Q * ro * g); % Energy gain per pump
fv = ((v.^2) / (2 * g)) + d + hf - hb; % Speed function
% Secant method
i = 2;
err = .00005;
while abs(fv(i)) > err
v(i+1) = v(i)-(fv(i)*(v(i)-v(i-1)))/(fv(i)-fv(i-1))
fv(i) = project_1 (v);
if i > 100
I'm trying to apply the secant method to the function defined in fv, but I keep getting the out of memory message.
Out of memory. The likely cause is an infinite recursion within the program.
Error in project_1 (line 37)
fv(i) = project_1 (v);

Best Answer

Like the error message is saying, your problem is infinite recursion. Your function name is the same as the function you define in line 37. This means the function keeps calling itself endlessly.
If you are supposed to solve this assignment using recursion, you will need to correct your stopping criteria. If not, then you should modify your approach so that your function does not call itself.