MATLAB: Out of Memory Error: How can one get around this

mldivideolsout of memoryproblem

So I ran my code and in one of the lines it said I had no memory left. The actions on the line consisted of multiplying two matrices, one is 65000+ x 3 in dimension and the other is the transpose of the first. I would assume this data is too large to compute. Is there any possible way of getting around this?
I was thinking about using functions such as fopen, fread, textscan after looking in the documentation. Would this solve my problem? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Ian

Best Answer

You're trying to find the least squares solution to a system which means you can use ( mldivide):
beta = X\y
From the reference below an example (fit y = b_1 + b_2*t + b_3*t^2 + b_4*t^3):
t = [1900;1910; 1900; 1930; 1940; 1950; 1960; 1970; 1980; 1990];
y = [75.9;91.9;105.7;123.2;131.6;150.6;179.3;203.2;226.5;249.6];
% Build X
X = bsxfun(@power,t,0:3);
b = X\y;
For reference leastsquares
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