MATLAB: Out of Memory Error

large matrixout of memoryvrp

I need help as I am doing my thesis and MATLAB gives me an "out of memory" error if I creates a huge matrix. In fact, I need this matrix and it can't be reduced. The matrix size is 73728×81234. This matrix is created by a for loop. The code is as follow: for … for … for … for … x = … end end end end
That matrix will then be combined with other matrix to become 74088×81234 matrix. I have another matrix (414×81234) that will be used with the matrix above to solve the problem.
I am using laptop to solve the problem (PVRP). I have an i5 CPU and 16GB physical memory (RAM). Maximum possible array = 30314MB Memory available for all arrays = 30314MB Memory used by MATLAB = 831MB Physical Memory (RAM) = 16076MB I have tried clear and clc but it's still not enough. Please help.

Best Answer

there isn't much you can do. The matrix you need to create needs ~45GB of Memory:
>> 74088*81234*8/1024^3
ans =
In the case your Matrix has a lot of 0 entries consider using a sparse matrix.
Even Parallel Computing Toolbox and the distributed array concept won't help because you don't have that much memory available:
You could increase your swap space, however your application will get extremly slow.
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