MATLAB: Other variable inside odesolver


i have these set of equation
k = (c(1)+c(3))/2
value = [c(2); -k*(c(2)-w1)^2; c(4); (-k*(c(2)-w1)*(c(4)-w2))-g; c(6); -k*(c(2)-w1)*(c(6)-w3)];
i am solving this equation using ode45
[t,c] = ode45('wind',tspan,c0,w1,w2,w3); at the end of solution it gives value of t and c. but value of k is also changing with c(1)& c(3) at each step .i want the matrix of k also. how to get the matrix of k
thanks pawan kumar

Best Answer

What about using "k = (c(:, 1)+c(:, 3))/2" to calculate the value of k afterwards?
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