MATLAB: Osx El Capitan Matlab 2015a in full screen

2015ael capitanmacMATLABosxsimulinkworkspaces

Hi All,
This weekend, I updated my rMBP to osx El Capitan. Since then, when I operate Matlab 2015a in full screen mode, every time when I open a simulink file, or plot a large figure, it opens it in full screen as well. In a separate workspace. Then, when I try to close it, I am left in a completely black workspace. Of course, not really a significant problem, but it is getting annoying. Also because cmd+~ does not work anymore to switch from the opened simulink file/figure/whatever back to the command window.
The problem does not arise when matlab is in its standard non-full screen mode. AFAIK, i didn't change vital workspace settings after the update to El Cap.
Anybody already had the same 'problem'?
Many thanks in advance!
Kind regards,

Best Answer

While R2015b is supported on Mac OS X 10.11 (El Capitan), full screen dialog boxes is a known issue. It is listed under item 4 of:
Instead of using full screen mode, I would advise to resize the window manually or maximize the window using the Alt button, I believe that uses the old-style maximize behavior.
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