MATLAB: OS X R2016a crash/cpu runaway


Running on OS X 10.11 (El Cap) on a 2014 MacBook Pro i7
EDIT: This failure mode occurs spontaneously. Left on its on without interacting with the MATLAB application, it eventually goes into CPU usage runaway and becomes unresponsive.
=== This may be interesting but is probably not relevant:
I have experienced some instability with UDP receive functionality, both in MATLAB and SIMULINK and I am having trouble debugging the cause. I will execute variations on the following code and the CPU usage of MATLAB will spike to 600% and become unresponsive (very slow, though sometimes enough to accept and execute the quit command). %% denotes MATLAB script and ## denotes command-line.
u = udp('', 1234,'LocalPort',1235)
nc -ul 1234
fwrite(u, 'I see dead bits','char') % This should appear in terminal
## in the same nc -ul 1234 session, type some message terminated with a newline (enter)
that sounds rather odd
A = fgetl(u) % It should read 'that sounds rather odd'
Now wait. Eventually (within 30-300 seconds) the CPU spikes and GUI becomes unresponsive.
The only non-standard settings I've changed in the preferences is the Java heap from 512 MB to 4 GB.
What can I do to troubleshoot MATLAB to a point which might be more useful to me or the developers?
Cheers, Joe

Best Answer

Disable General->Source Code Control to fix the issue.
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