MATLAB: Organising data from a matrix


Just wondering if you know how I can get the following matrix:
1.0000 0.8147
2.0000 0.3333
3.0000 0.3322
4.0000 0.1000
1.0000 0.9058
2.0000 0.2222
3.0000 0.3322
4.0000 0.2000
1.0000 0.1270
2.0000 0.1223
3.0000 0.2333
4.0000 0.1000
1.0000 0.9134
2.0000 0.1270
3.0000 1.0000
4.0000 0.1000
1.0000 0.6324
2.0000 0.8899
3.0000 0.0001
4.0000 0.1000
1.0000 0.9870
2.0000 0.5670
3.0000 0.3450
4.0000 0.2000
1.0000 0.8999
2.0000 0.9990
3.0000 0.1235
4.0000 0.4000
1.0000 0.9990
2.0000 0.9990
3.0000 0.9990
4.0000 0.0500
1.0000 0.8147
2.0000 0.3333
3.0000 0.3322
4.0000 0.1000
into a new matrix that takes the left hand column as the indices for the data from the right hand column? ie. I'm trying to get the user to specify the variable they wish to use, so when the user input is say 4, it returns a matrix with all the values in the right hand column that have a 4 next to it in the left hand one.
I had tried using regexp but this only seems to work with characters and not numbers…
Thanks! 🙂

Best Answer

selectedvalue = 4;
filteredmatrix = yourmatrix(yourmatrix(:, 1) == selectedvalue, :)