MATLAB: Organising cells from a cell array

cellcell arrayssort

Hi, i have a cell array 'a' which is of the form as shown below. I wanted to remove the empty cells from the cell array keep the elements corresponding to the row together one after another in 'b'. Can anyone help me to modify the code to get the 'desired_output' ? Any help will be appreciated
a =cell(1)
a{1,1} = 5
a{1,2} = 9
a{1,3} = 10
a{1,4} = 11
a{2,1} = 23
a{2,2} = 45
a{3,1} = 100
a{3,2} = 89
a{3,3} = 123
b = a(~cellfun('isempty',a))
b =
9×1 cell array
{[ 5]}
{[ 23]}
{[ 9]}
{[ 45]}
{[ 89]}
{[ 10]}
{[ 11]}
'desired_output '
d = d =
9×1 cell array
{[ 5]}
{[ 9]}
{[ 10]}
{[ 11]}
{[ 23]}
{[ 45]}
{[ 89]}

Best Answer

Matlab stores 2D arrays column by column, so if you want to keep it row by row, you need to transpose your array. The code below returns your desired output.
a =cell(1);
a{1,1} = 5;
a{1,2} = 9;
a{1,3} = 10;
a{1,4} = 11;
a{2,1} = 23;
a{2,2} = 45;
a{3,1} = 100;
a{3,2} = 89;
a{3,3} = 123;
b = a2(~cellfun('isempty',a2))