MATLAB: Order of variables in SOLVE

karush kuhn tuckerkktmatrixsolve

clear all
syms x y l1 l2 l3 %%Generate symb var for multipliers
v=[x y l1 l2 l3];
g1=(y-3)/sqrt((x-2)^2+(y-3)^2)+l1+l2-l3; %%Gradient condition
cs1=l1(x+y); %%Complementary slackness conditions
[x, y, l1, l2, l3] = solve(g1==0,g2==0,cs1==0,cs2==0,cs3==0, x, y, l1,...
l2, l3);
sol=[x, y, l1, l2, l3];
I have this KKT system. Other times when I used the solve command I noticed that in the solution matrix the variables are not reported in the specified order.
How do I make sure that in the sol matrix the variable are the right one (without checking manually, that is).
In the example above, having the solutions, I can see that into sol x,y are the two rightmost columns. If I switch like this
[ l1, l2, l3, *x, y,*] = solve(g1==0,g2==0,cs1==0,cs2==0,cs3==0, x, y, l1,...
l2, l3);
then everything goes ok. I need to now why this happens in order not to make this mistake again when I don't have solutions. Thanks

Best Answer

Use the structure return form of solve and then extract by structure field name into the variables you want.
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