MATLAB: Orbital elements of satellite


pakistan has launched a missile on india and israel ? which missile will follow which orbit? i.e polar, equatorial, etc? is it easy for pakistan to launch a missile on india or for india to launch a missile on pakistan? prove mathematically.

Best Answer

If the Earth is rotating the target around to meet you, then you typically need less fuel.
If the Earth is rotating the target around away from you, then you need longer flight times, but that also potentially gives you more time to do course corrections. Most often, the time for course corrections is not a significant consideration. However, remember that India and Pakistan are literally adjacent to each other, so for a sufficiently small and close target that is rotating to meet you, the Earth might rotate the target past your starting point while you are still in the launch phase, faster than you had a chance to aim, so there is a range of distances for which the extra time of flight as the target rotates away from you is beneficial.
None of the scenarios you describe involve orbits.
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