MATLAB: Optimizing: Getting rid of for loop

for loopoptimization

Hi, I've been scratching my head on this problem and keep seem to figureout a good way to do it.
I have a big matrix : size(A)=1024x1024x400 where the 3rd dimension is that of time and the two first of space. Here is an example of what I would want to do with it:
for x=1:1022
for y=1:1022
B(y,x,1) = mean2(A(y:y+2,x:x+2,1));
Doing it like that works but Matlab will do the calculations on one element at the time instead of all at the same time like in the following case:
B(:,:,1) = A(:,:,1).*A(:,:,2);
Is there a way to rewrite my initial code or use a function that would make it way faster? Thank you for any help.

Best Answer

Not sure what the mean2d function do as it's not a standard matlab function. Assuming it's calculating a mean, then probably
kernel = ones(3, 3, size(A, 3));
kernel = kernel ./ numel(kernel); %convolution kernel for mean
B = convn(A, kernel, 'valid');