MATLAB: Optimization with loops Error in optim.prob​lemdef.Opt​imizationP​roblem/sol​ve

loopsoptimizationOptimization Toolbox

Q1. I want to perform certain operation on two large column vectors and calculate a cumulative sum in a certain order without using loops. For simplicity assume that I have two column vectors:
A=[1;3;5;7] and B = [10;12;14;19]
and I want to find a vector C = [1;1*10+3;1*10+3; (1*10+3)*12+5; ((1*10+3)*12+5)*14+7 ] = [1;13;161;2261]
What will be the MATLAB code to calculate vector C in MATLAB without using loops?
Q2. I have provided my code below and I have used the helpful suggestion given in the answer to use a loop in an optimization problem. The use of a optimization expression C in the code below is intended to be similar in terms of relevant elements to add and multiply as in the example given above but it contains the optimization variables. I get the error messages shown below when I run the code. I have also tried to write operations on C manually as shown in the last line of the code but I get the same error messages at the last line of the code Solution = solve(ALM).
How can I correct the code?
Index exceeds the number of array elements (0).
Error in optim.internal.problemdef.SubsasgnExpressionImpl/computeLinearCoefficients
Error in optim.internal.problemdef.ExpressionTree/extractLinearCoefficients
Error in optim.internal.problemdef.ExpressionForest/extractLinearCoefficients
Error in optim.problemdef.OptimizationExpression/extractLinearCoefficients
Error in optim.problemdef.OptimizationConstraint/extractLinearCoefficients
Error in optim.problemdef.OptimizationProblem/compileConstraints
Error in prob2structImpl
Error in optim.problemdef.OptimizationProblem/solve
prices = [99.74 91.22 98.71 103.75 97.15];
cashFlows = [4 5 2.5 5 4; 4 5 2.5 5 4; 4 5 2.5 5 4; 4 5 2.5 5 4; 4 5 102.5 5 4;4 5 0 105 104;4 105 0 0 0; 104 0 0 0 0];
obligations = [5 7 7 6 8 7 20 0]'*1000;
Rates = [0.01; 0.015; 0.017;0.019;0.02;0.025;0.027;0.029];
EndTimes = (1:nt)';
Disc = rate2disc(1,Rates,EndTimes);
%Number of bonds available
nBonds = [10;100;20;30;5]
ALM = optimproblem;
bonds = optimvar('bonds',nb,'Type','integer','LowerBound',0,'UpperBound',nBonds);
ALM.ObjectiveSense = 'minimize';
ALM.Objective = prices*bonds;
%Define the constraint
C = optimexpr(nt,1);
C(1) = A(1);
for k = 2:numel(A)
C(k) = C(k-1) * B(k) + A(k);
ALM.Constraints.Const1 = (C.*Disc)/53.844 <=0.05;
%Solve the problem
Solution = solve(ALM)
%Here I show the intended operation on Optimization Expression C (in case
%for loop above does not operate as intended but I get the same error messages

Best Answer

I believe it will probably involve multiplication by some upper triangle matrices of 1 with some other operations but I cannot work it out.
Here it is,
ALM.Constraints.Const1 = ((M*A).*Disc)/53.844 <=0.05;
Solution = solve(ALM)