MATLAB: Optimization terminated: average change in the penalty fitness value less than options.Fu​nctionTole​rance but constraints are not satisfied.

genetic algorithmoptimization

I am trying to solve MINLP problem by using GA algorithm. I have 1250 binary unknown variables {0,1}. and the number of constraints are 186 constraints where 75 is binary { 0,1} and the remaining nonlinear constraints. I attached a copy from the problem and Matlab files. I need an advice or help with this problem. I tried Pattern search as you recommend in one of the previous discussion also but it gives no feasible point. Thank you

Best Answer

Have tried to increase "MaxGenerations" and "MaxStallGenerations"?
I have increased those two parameters in my own problem and it worked perfectly and all the constraints were satisfied. I have more than 6 constraints, with a number variables that increase 9 times from one iteration to another.
Try my tip and keep me updated.