MATLAB: Optimization proble risk parity

functionoptimizationrisk parity

I state that I am not very experienced in MATLAB. I should create and minimize a function to find the weights of an asset allocation problem. The problem is as follow:
Minimize ∑(RC(Fj)/σP−1/M)^2 for j=1:M
sub ∑x=1
where RC(Fj) = (A⊤x)j⋅ (A+Σx/√x⊤Σx)j
  • A is a loadings matrix
  • A+ is Moore-Penrose inverse of A
  • Σ is a covariance matrix
  • x is a weights vector
I would need some codes to solve these problems. Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

MATLAB does have a toolbox dedicated to solving optimization problems like these. Do have a look at its documentation for the ramp up.