MATLAB: Optimise/replace this for loop used in calculation of mutual information

entropyfor loopmutual informationperformance

So I previously posted on here with regards to some code given HERE. Thanks to the help of Jan Simons I have managed to eliminate one of the nested for loops to speed up the code pretty significantly. However, due to the dimensionality of the project and future projects I am working on I still need to optimise the code. I ran the profiler and the following block of code seems to be bottleneck:
Eps = zeros(nObs, 1);
Nn = zeros(nObs, 1);
nx1 = zeros(nObs, 1);
ny1 = zeros(nObs, 1);
nx2 = zeros(nObs, 1);
ny2 = zeros(nObs, 1);
for i = 1:nObs
dxSample = dx(i, :);
dxSample(i) = [];
dySample = dy(i, :);
dySample(i) = [];
dzSample = dz(i, :);
dzSample(i) = [];
[EpsSample, NnSample] = sort(dzSample, 'ascend');
Eps(i) = EpsSample(k);
Nn(i) = NnSample(k);
nx1(i) = sum(dxSample < Eps(i));
ny1(i) = sum(dySample < Eps(i));
nx2(i) = sum(dxSample <= Eps(i));
ny2(i) = sum(dySample <= Eps(i));
Note that the k is typically quite low: between 3-10, nObs is around 4364. Is there any way of speeding this up? Maybe even eliminating the for loop altogether if possible? Any help is very much appreciated!

Best Answer

Taking some guesses:
eyeinds = eye(nObs,'logical');
dx2(eyeinds) = Inf;
dy2(eyeinds) = Inf;
dz2(eyeinds) = Inf;
% Edit to incorporate Jan's suggestions:
[EpsSample2, NnSample2] = mink(dz2,k,2);
Eps2 = EpsSample2(:,end);
Nn2 = NnSample2(:,end);
% [EpsSample2, NnSample2] = sort(dz2,2,'ascend');
% Eps2 = EpsSample2(:,k);
% Nn2 = NnSample2(:,k);
nx12 = sum(dx2 < Eps2,2);
ny12 = sum(dy2 < Eps2,2);
nx22 = sum(dx2 <= Eps2,2);
ny22 = sum(dy2 <= Eps2,2);