MATLAB: Operands to the || and && operators must be convertible to logical scalar values

calibrationComputer Vision Toolboxdepth estimationimage processingmatlab coderstereo

I am using the stereo calibrator app to calibrate my camera I am using 10 pair of images from my stereo cam setup and giving them as an input in the app. It is generating the stereoParams object which has all the intrinsic and extrinsic matrices that are required, but also at the same time it is also saying a warning in the command prompt
Warning: JPEG library error (8 bit), "Premature end of JPEG file"."
And when i am trying to rectify a image from the stereo cam using the following code:
[J1, J2] = rectifyStereoImages(I1, I2, stereoParams);
It is showing the following error
Operands to the and && operators must be convertible to logical scalar values
Error in vision.internal.calibration.CameraParametersImpl/getValidBounds (line 883)
if isempty( && (left > right || top > bot)
Error in vision.internal.calibration.CameraParametersImpl/computeUndistortBounds
(line 785)
[xBounds, yBounds] = getValidBounds(this, undistortedMask, ...
Error in vision.internal.calibration.StereoParametersImpl/computeOutputBounds (line 371)
[xBoundsUndistort1, yBoundsUndistort1] = ...
Error in
(line 271)
[xBounds, yBounds] = computeOutputBounds(this, imageSize, ...
Error in vision.internal.calibration.StereoParametersImpl/rectifyStereoImagesImpl
(line 190)
[H1, H2, Q, xBounds, yBounds] = ...
Error in rectifyStereoImages (line 99)
rectifiedImage1, rectifiedImage2] = rectifyStereoImagesImpl(stereoParams, ...
How do i remove both the the warning and the error???

Best Answer

Hi Antariksha,
The warning you are getting may indicate a corrupt image file. By the way, when you capture your calibration images, please save them in a format that uses lossless compression, like PNG or BMP. JPEG's compression is lossy, which introduces artifacts into the image, which affect calibration accuracy.
The error you are getting from rectifyStereoImages indicates that the function cannot compute the size of the output image. This indicates a problem with your calibration. Try the following:
J = undistortImage(I1, stereoParams.CameraParameters1, 'OutputView', 'full');
I expect that you will see a very strange image, kind of folded upon itself.
If you used 3 radial distortion coefficients for your calibration, try re-calibrating using only 2. Also, try capturing more calibration images with the checkerboard closer to the edges and corners of the frame. Also, make sure that the checkerboard is in various 3D orientations, tilted and slanted in different ways.