MATLAB: Operands to the || and && operators must be convertible to logical scalar values.

operands to the || and operators must be convertible to logical scalar values

I have such kind of simple code. But when I tried to include it in "if else" like below, this command: Operands to the || and && operators must be convertible to logical scalar values, just appears.
prompt1 = {'sth 1:' , 'sth 2:' };
title = 'Front Range';
dims = [1 50] ;
definput = {' ', ' '};
x1 = inputdlg(prompt1,title,dims,definput);
if ge(x1, 100) || lt(x1, 1)
prompt2 = {'sth 3:' , 'sth 4:' };
title2 = 'Post-Range';
dims2 = [1 50];
definput2 = {' ',''};
x2 = inputdlg(prompt1,title2,dims2,definput2);

Best Answer

inputdlg() returns a cell array of character vectors. You need to use str2double(x1) to convert to numeric form. Watch out for nan, which will be returned for empty values or for values that are not valid single numbers.