MATLAB: Openmp mex commands for R2010b

MATLABMATLAB Compilermex compileropenmp

Hello everyone,
Can anyone please provide me with the right flags to mex .c with openmp?
The following produces the best results on mac:
mex CC="gcc-4.2" LD="gcc-4.2" COPTIMFLAGS="$COPTIMFLAGS -fopenmp -O2 -DNDEBUG" LDOPTIMFLAGS="$LDOPTIMFLAGS -fopenmp -O2" -lgomp filename.c
I would like the, windows 7 x64, windows 7 x86, linux x64, linux x86 equivalent of the above.

Best Answer

On Windows using Microsoft Visual Studio I add the /openmp option to the relevant line of my mexopts.bat file, thus:
set COMPFLAGS=... /openmp
On Windows 7 my mexopts.bat file is found in: C:\Users\$USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\MathWorks\MATLAB\R20XXx