MATLAB: Opening different folders with different name and read CSV files

csvMATLABopening folders

Hi, I want to open different folders with Matlab and then open different CSV files in each folder and read some specific sheets and columns. I can read the files from specific columns or sheet; however, my problem is that I cannot open different folders.
  • The first problem I have is that the files' name are in this form: F21802010055 or F21802010058 so they are not in row.
  • Also, each folder may have a different number of CSV files. For example folder F21802010055 has two CSV files with the names of F21802010055-201801-21_00-17 and F21802010055-201801-22_00-12 and folder F21802010058 has one csv file with the name of *F21802010058-201801-21_00-17*Can you please advise what would be the best approach to open these files?

Best Answer

Use FEX::subdir to find all the files in the subfolders. Download this package, extract it and place it on MATLAB path. Here is a general template of what to do
files = subdir('C:\path_to_csv_folders\*.csv'); % here specify the path to top folder which contain all the other csv files
for i=1:numel(files) . % for loop will iterate over all file names
filename = files(i).name;
data = csvread(filename); % or readtable() or whatever function you are using to read csv file
% do you processing
Note that in subdir() all the CSV files doe not need to be present in the top folder. You can have several subfolders under the top folders and subfolder can contain several CSV files. subdir() can handle all the recursive file paths.