MATLAB: Open simscape results explorer (sscexplore) with data in .mat-files / workspace data

data loggingSimscapesimscape results explorersscexplore

Hi everyone,
I have a very slow and big model with simscape logging enabled and saved the workspace after simulation.
How can the simulation data be opened again with the simscape results explorer after loading the .mat-file?
In my case, the following workspace variables show up:
ans, Ki, Kp, out, tout
Out contains all data
The following does not work:
>> sscexplore('out')
Dot indexing is not supported for variables of this type.
>> sscexplore(out)
Undefined function 'hasTag' for input arguments of type 'Simulink.SimulationOutput'.
>> sscexplore(simlog)
Unrecognized function or variable 'simlog'.

Best Answer

Thanks for the answer. It was unclear to me, where to start in an object of type Node.
The right expression should be: