MATLAB: Open matlabpool error due to invalid configuration name

Dear colleagues, I am new to Matlab so I appreciate your help and patience. I would like to run "for loop" in parallel
I have text file (data.txt) contain the number of folders for the data that i aim to analyze. I would like to run the command:
matlabpool open N % where N is the number of the entries in the file "data.txt"
I tried to run the following commands:
list=textscan(fid,'%s', 'delimiter','\n');
After then I ran the command :
matlabpool open XX
This output the following error:
??? Error using ==> matlabpool at 125
'XX' is not a valid configuration name.
Kindly what I am doing wrong? Your help is highly appreciated! John

Best Answer

matlabpool('open', XX)
Note: matlabpool() was replaced with parpool() by R2013b.
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