MATLAB: Open GUI with GUi and passing data between them

getting startedguiguidematlab gui

I would like to know how to open another GUI with the first GUI i create via button. Example, lets say i load image(im1) into first GUI. Then i press a button (edit) in first GUI, another GUI will pop out. At the second GUI i wana photo edit my image(im1).
I know i can do all there with first GUI but i want to learn how to open another GUI from GUI as my first GUI is already full of other stuff.

Best Answer

Just pass your image array to the second gui via the argument list when you call it, so in your button callback you'd have:
anyOutputArgs = gui2(yourImageArray);
See the FAQ if you don't know how to get your image array into the button's callback:
Then in the OpenFcn of your second GUI, take the image array, which will be in varargin{1} and put it into a variable that can be used by the various functions in your second gui:
global imageArray;
imageArray = varargin{1};