MATLAB: Open folder in Matlab

open foldersselection of filesvectors

I'm trying to open folder let's call it FolderA (Here is the directory: 'C:\Users\Usersname\Desktop\FolderA')in MATLAB that constains 9 Text Documents ('.txt') of size 30000-by-10. I want to be able to choose which files I want to observe that is one Text Doument, all Text Documents or i.e. Text Douments 1, 3 and 5.
I also want to use the selected files and use i.e. vector nr. 3 and 4 in all of them.
How does one do that?

Best Answer

We have just the file for you in the File Exchange:, Doug Schwarz's uipickfiles:
This is a GUI application that allows multiple files or directories to be selected and allows you to manage the list (remove files, reorder, etc.) before returning. It has basic filtering as well as regular expression filtering and navigation of the file system is easy. The output is configurable (cell, struct or char arrays). It is written entirely in M and so is platform independent.