MATLAB: Open a transparent png and a jpg background together on a single graphical window

.jpggraphicsimage processingpngtransparency

Hello everyone,
I have 2 images. One is a normal jpg image (i.e. Background) and another is a .png image with the transparency. I want to open this transparent png on jpg image such that it looks like given below:
1. jpg image:
2. transparent png image:
Now, the output should look like:
(Note: You can see that the transparency is maintained in output image.)
Can anyone help me? (These images are just for giving clear explanation of my problems. Actual images are similar to them.)
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

bgimage = imread('e8b66924592e1115398fe4a53bd6415c.jpg');
hold on; %so the second image is displayed on top of the first
[fgimage, ~, alpha] = imread('Abstract-Circular-Design.png');
hfg = imshow(fgimage);
hfg.AlphaData = alpha; %set transparency
hfg.XData = [100 500]; %change position and size as appropriate
hfg.YData = [100 500];