MATLAB: Can I open a file with different versions of Matlab

matlab versions

Hello there, I have this situation: the version of matlab that is used in my university is 2012B, but I recently got the license for 2016B (I think) so I need to know if I can work with both versions over one file, since I will have to use matlab at both locations (house and university) for my assignments in class and all that stuff, Thank you !

Best Answer

In short, Yes, but to varying levels of difficulty.
M-Files are version agnostic, though some commands may be deprecated in the newer releases.
In order to use Simulink files, you will need to be mindful of which version you are using. You can always open an older file in a newer release (i.e. R2016b will open a R2012b Simulink model), but not the other way around (i.e. R2012b will not open a R2016b Simulink model). To be backwards compatible, you will need to make sure you "export" any work done in R2016b to R2012b by going to File >> Export As >> Previous Version.