MATLAB: Only the most recent graph showing up

graphmatlab onlineone graphrecent graph

I am using the web version of MATLAB and when I try to plot 2 graphs, only the most recent one shows up. For example, what I have below would only show plot(t,s). no other figure or graph shows up. Why is that? Is there any way to fix this?
Any help is much appreciated! Thank you

Best Answer

When you call the 'plot' function, without any other arguments, MATLAB will automatically plot the most recent request on the current figure, overwriting previously plotted data. If you wish the plotted data to appear on the same figure, I suggest using the 'hold' command (it means matlab won't wipe the figure each time you want to plot on it):
% Call a figure to be created
plot(t,c) % Plot first graph
hold on % prevents matlab overwriting current figure data
plot(t,s) % plot second figure
hold off % turns the hold off
Don't forget to turn the hold off, as it can (sometimes) have unexpected results later on with your code.
Alternatively, if you want the two plots on seperate figures, you should either call a new figure to be created each time, or use 'subplot' to plot multiple graphs on one figure:
% Example plot on two seperate figures
hold off
% Example plot for two seperate graphs on one figure
subplot (2,1,1)
I reccomend you read the documentation on subplot as to how the layout works.