MATLAB: One measure greater than another

differenceseasy to answergreater thanlesser than

Hi All,
I have a 697 x 38 which has different column headings such as 'startf, maxf, etc'.
I'm wanting to check if my measurements are true (an answer of 1 indiciting not true?) such that;
startf<fmax etc..
Currently, I've sectioned off the columns of interests:
Wanted = T(:,'SFStartFreqHzoffundamental')
Wanted1 = T(:,'MaxFHzfundamental'
I now want to check if wanted is greater than wanted1
I tried:
Wanted > Wanted1 ans =
but thats just producing an error.
In addition, if the answers were shown to be untrue. Such as I have data of a start frequency that is lower than minimum frequency, how do i find which rows these will be located in?

Best Answer

Note than an even simpler way to extract data from a table is with dot indexing:
Wanted = T.SFStartFreqHzoffundamental; %equivalent to T{:,'SFStartFreqHzoffundamental'}
Wanted1 = T.MaxFHzfundamental; %equivalent to T{:,'MaxFHzfundamental'}
mask = Wanted > Wanted1;
To keep only the portion of the table for whick mask is true:
Tinvalid = T(mask, :) %Not that this returns a table since we're using () indexing
which can be done in only one line:
Tinvalid = T(T.SFStartFreqHzoffundamental > T.MaxFHzfundamental, :)
If you want to know the row indices, use find:
invalidrows = find(T.SFStartFreqHzoffundamental > T.MaxFHzfundamental)