MATLAB: One error in fminsearch


I tried to use fminsearch to solve an equation with three unknown parameters but there is an error:
fi1=[0.6787*1.0e-5 0.4520*1.0e-5 0.3519*1.0e-5 0.2655*1.0e-5 0.2317*1.0e-5]; Hw=[0.3974 0.3186 0.2612 0.1816 0.1284];
The function is: error=fi1-(A+(B*(Hw^n))); I would like to compute A,B and n. Initial guess; A=0.005, B=0.4, n=2
The codes are but error say define B?
error=inline(fi1-(A+(B.*(Hw.^n)))); xo=[0.005 0.4 2]; [x,fval,exitflag,output] = fminsearch(error,x0)

Best Answer

x0=[0.005 0.4 2];
[x,fval,exitflag,output] = fminsearch(error,x0);
Best wishes