MATLAB: ODE45 change y at event

event functionsode45solve differential equations

Can i influence the 'y' during an ode45 at a certain event?
I want to let the ODE45 stop at a certain event, manipulate the result at that timepoint and let it run further using the manipulated result as initial condition.A basic example is this:
function [value,isterminal,direction] = half_y_at_event(t, y, spawnday)
value = [t-spawnday];
isterminal = [1];
direction = [];
options=odeset('Events', @half_y_at_event, 'AbsTol', 1e-8, 'RelTol', 1e-8);
[t1, y1, te, ye, ie] = ode45(@dget_y, [0 500], [y_0], options, [pars]);
[t2, y2] = ode45(@dget_y, [0 500], [ye], options, [pars]);
Is there a possibility to combine both ODE45 into one?
Mergin the matrices later is not an option.

Best Answer

You can use the ballode example as a model. That has an events function that stops the solver each time the bouncing ball touches the ground. It then changes the initial condition (based on the solution the solver gave when the event occurred) and starts the solver again with the new initial condition.
edit ballode