MATLAB: ODE23 taking in 3 variables


I can run this function with 2 z values but when I try to add another z value I get an error. Do you know how to run this function for 3 z values?
Error: Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
function dxdy = TY3(t,z)
dxdy = [z(3); 1*z(3)+2*z(2)+3*z(1)];
[t,z] = ode23(@TY3,[0 30],[1 0 ]);

Best Answer

You have 3 variables z(1),z(2) and z3, you need to write 3 equations dydx(1),dydx(2) and dydx(3), for example
dxdy = [z(3); 1*z(3)+2*z(2)+3*z(1);0]
and call ode23 with 1x3 array representing initial conditions
[t,z] = ode23(@TY3,[0 30],[1 0 1 ]);