MATLAB: ODE Solver with array value parameter

differential equationsMATLABode

I need to solve the following differential equations:
where x1 and x2 are the states of the system and y is the input of the system and it is represented by a 1002×1 vector. How is it possible to solve this system of differential equations?

Best Answer

Try this example:
yv = randn(1002,1); % Create ‘y’
tv = 0:numel(yv)-1; % Create Corresponding Time Vector
Eqns = @(t,x,tv,yv) [x(2)-interp1(tv(:), yv(:), t); -3*x(2)-2*x(1)+3*interp1(tv(:), yv(:), t)];
tspan = linspace(0, 10, 50);
ic = [0; 1]; % Use The Correct Initial Conditions
[T, X] = ode45(@(t,x)Eqns(t,x,tv,yv), tspan, ic);
plot(T, X)
Provide your own vectors for ‘y’ (that I call ‘yv’ here) and the time vector (‘tv’ here) that corresponds to it.
Make other appropriate changes to reflect the actual values you intend to use.