MATLAB: Ode output function problem


I am using an output function for ode32s and I have a question regarding outputFcn.
Matlab ver 2018b,
On line 288 of ode32s:
feval(outputFcn,[t tfinal],y(outputs),'init',outputArgs{:});
On line 515 of ode32s however:
stop = feval(outputFcn,tout_new,yout_new(outputs,:),'',outputArgs{:});
Code is failing for too much input b/c in the latter there is one input missing with ''
Can you help me what's going on here?

Best Answer

As documented in the odeset function documentation page the function you specify as your custom OutputFcn must have a certain syntax and must accept certain types of calls.
"If you write a custom output function, then it must be of the form
status = myOutputFcn(t,y,flag)
The output function must also respond appropriately to these flags:"
You haven't provided much detail about the problem you're experiencing, but I suspect your custom OutputFcn does not conform to this requirement because it fails to accept the flag input argument.
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