MATLAB: ODE 15 solver, “Too many output arguments.”

odeode15ode45too many input arguments

The basics, I am trying to Solve to ODE's using ODE15s, I have one M-file that asks for user inputs and assigns them to variables. But, when i run it I get an error "Too many output arguments. ====> alpha". How do I fix this? As you can probably tell from the code I am whats 10 levels below beginner. Oh and Im solving for pressure drop in a packed bed reactor.
1st Mfile
function dp = packbed(~,p)
dp = zeros(2,1);
dp(1) = (-1)*(alpha*((p0)^2))/(p(1))*((1+(ep))* p(2));
dp(2) = ((k)*(ca0)/(v0))*((1-p(2))/(1+(ep)*p(2)))*(((p(1))/(p0))^2); end
2nd Mfile
alpha1 = input('please enter a value for Alpha (Kg^-1):');
alpha = sprintf('%0.6f', alpha1);|
p01 = input('please enter a value for the initial pressure (atm):');
p0 = sprintf('%0.6f', p01);
% Epsilon is represented as "ep".
ep1 = input('please enter a value for Epsilon:');
ep = sprintf('%0.6f', ep1);
% k is represented as the rate constant.
k1 = input('please enter a value for the rake constant(m^3/kmol*kg*cat*h):');
k = sprintf('%0.6f', k1);
% v0 is the initial volume.
v01 = input('please enter a value for the initial volume (m^3):');
v = sprintf('%0.6f', v01);
% ca0 is the initial concentration of A at the inlet.
ca01 = input('please enter a value for the initial consentration of A (kmols/m^3):');
ca0 = sprintf('%0.6f', ca01);
pnot = [p0 0];
vnot = [v0 0];
wspan = [0 60];
run packbed
u = input('If you would like a plot of "Pressure vs Weight of the catalyst" type 1, or "Volume vs Weight of the catalyst" type 2:');
if u==1
[p,w] = ode15s(@packbed, wspan, pnot);
elseif u==2
[v,w] = ode15s(@packbed, wspan, vnot);
disp('If you would like a plot of "Pressure vs Weight of the catalyst" type 1, or "Volume vs Weight of the catalyst" type 2:');

Best Answer

alpha is a matlab function. It set transparency properties for objects in current axes.
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