MATLAB: Occrency text array number

occrencyoccurencytext array number

Hey every one , a small question 🙂
how can i determine the umber of occrancy in big arraw (481* 81)
I give a little exemple , with my primary script for that 🙂
Any help please 🙂
nb_rows=length(tableau_string(:,1)) %481 nb_col=length(tableau_string(1,:)) %80
for s=1:1:nb_rows
for i=1:1:nb_rows for j=1:1:nb_col if tableau_string(i,j)== tableau_string(s,1) count=count+1 end end end
tableau_string(s,2)= count

Best Answer

One way of doing it:
tableau_string = {'3.5' 'alain' '3.5' 'alain'; 'alain' '' 'alain' 'test'; '' 'test' '' 'test'; '5' 'test' '5' 'test'};
[strings, ~, position] = unique(tableau_string(:));
count = accumarray(position, ones(1, numel(tableau_string)));
stringcounts = [strings num2cell(count)] %if you want it all in a cell array
You could use histc or hiscounts instead of accumarray for the same result.